Friday, 5 September 2014

Das Original und Das Beste

These two were from Brother Burger - the other week..

Tanya and Iceland Carys

Tanya pointing to our "Very healthy" Bier choice!


Bavarian Mädchen - sorry it's blurry, 
and I couldn't get one of the Lederhosen Junge.

1 comment:

  1. Very nice pictures! Seems to be really original Bayrisch (Bavarian). On the wall there's written: 'Brewed according to the Bavarian purity requirements of 1316' :) Great!

    It's very reasonable of you to drink the healthy beer!

    The traditional Bavarian dress the girl is wearing is called 'Dirndl'. Many women (also here even though it's not Bavaria) have a Dirndl like this. But they usually only wear it on Oktoberfests.

    These Icelandic jumpers are so beautiful! (And of course you also are... :)
